ESCORT B-17s TO KASSEL On September 27, 1944, the 361st Fighter Group was escorting the Third Force to hit targets at Kassel, Germany. As the P-51s flew under the bombers, a force of approximately forty FW 190s bounced the entire formation from above and behind. In the dogfights that ensued, Lt. William Beyer, leading Red Flight, shot down five of the FWs. When the battle was over, Beyer's squadron had downed seventeen FW 190s while losing only one of their own. YOUR MISSION You and your two wingmen are faced with a double-edged challenge: save yourselves and save your bombers. The attack by the Focke-Wulfs is unavoidable, but you can counter their bounce with an attack of your own. Can you join Lt. Beyer in the elite Five-in-a-Day Club?